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Editor Ronelle Carolissen

Desmond Painter

Floretta Boonzaier

Garth Stevens

Hugo Canham

Monique Huysamen

Peace Kiguwa

Shose Kessi

Sipho Dlamini

Suntosh Pillay

Wahbie Long


PINS (Psychology in society) is a peer-reviewed journal that was formed in September 1983 as vehicle for a critical and anti-apartheid stance in psychology. PINS continues to foster a socio-historical and critical theory perspective by focusing on the theory and practice of psychology in the southern African context.


In addition to full-length articles, short discussions (called "briefings"), and debates on previously published material, or on issues of the moment, are encouraged. Authors are required to use non-sexist and non-discriminatory conventions in their contributions. Articles should not normally exceed 8 000 words in length, excluding references. Book reviews, unless they are review articles, should not exceed 1 500 words. Authors are required to submit their work by email, preferably in MS Word format, and to comply with the format and style conventions as detailed in the PINS Style guide for authors. Prospective authors might also want to consult the documents on PINS’s review process and mentoring process.


Ronelle Carolissen (Editor, University of Stellenbosch)


Desmond Painter (University of Stellenbosch)
Floretta Boonzaier (University of Cape Town)
Garth Stevens (University of the Witwatersrand)
Hugo Canham (University of the Witwatersrand)
Monique Huysamen (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Peace Kiguwa (University of the Witwatersrand)
Shose Kessi (University of Cape Town)
Sipho Dlamini (University of Johannesburg)
Suntosh Pillay (University of KwaZulu-Natal; King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex)
Wahbie Long (University of Cape Town)


Arvin Bhana (Medical Research Council of South Africa; University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban)
Kevin Durrheim (University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermartizburg)
Don Foster (University of Cape Town)
Kopano Ratele (Medical Research Council of South Africa, Cape Town; University of South Africa)